Sunday 8 November 2015

The Festive Lust List 2015 - Your Home

For me there is no better time of year than Christmas. It's this holiday that conjures up many images for different people but for me it's all about Scandinavian traditions (a nod to my heritage), family and being at home. 

I've never been away from home for Christmas and I would never want to be. For me Christmas begins and ends at home so I am kicking off this years "Festive Lust List" with items for your home.

I am obsessed with front doors. Being an estate agent I've seen my fair few but my ideal is a good solid door with immaculate fixings and especially at this time of year adorned with a beautiful natural wreath, a fresh one is ideal but an artificial one can hit the spot and set the tone just perfectly.

The White Company - Fir and Snowberry Wreath £100.00

The White Company have a beautiful Fir and Snowberry Wreath this year that I've totally fallen in love with this and I will definitely be purchasing for our front door!

They also do a matching garland which even though I do not have a staircase I am sure that I can drape it over my mantlepiece and it's a timeless piece that would look great every year. 

The White Company - Fir and Snowberry Garland £70.00
I'm not very adventurous when it comes to outlandish decorations and prefer mine to fit the colour scheme of our home which is three million shades of grey, taupe and white. 

The rule surrounding fairy lights is that they must be white and never coloured which takes me right back to when we were younger and my mum let us decorate the tree in the playroom however we chose and as garish as we wanted, but we were never allowed to touch the tree in the formal lounge and now being an adult and a bit OCD I totally get why! 

I love lanterns and they are an item that you can purchase once and they can add glamour to any room and at this time of year I love to replace my candles with LED fairy lights. I got my lanterns a year or so ago from Sainsbury's but they are readily available and the ones below are from Nordic House.  

Pinterest is also great for searching out cool and quirky ways to decorate your home and this year I love the idea of filling Mason jars with fairy lights, and given that you can pick up Mason jars relatively cheaply it makes a low cost stunning decoration. 

I got mine from Sainsbury's but I love these oversized ones from Nordic House

Hurricane vases filled with LED fairy lights also make an attractive and cost effective decoration

I love these Mason jars filled with fairy lights

As well as fairy lights I adore a scented candle and there are always certain smells that throw you straight back into the festive feel. For me the smell of cinnamon, gingerbread and pine cones does it for me, one whiff and I'm back wearing my Christmas jumper! If you like to go for a more subtle "winter" tone then these two candles should hit the spot...
The White Company Winter candle £20.00 and is one of their bestsellers

The Jo Malone Limited Edition Pine and Eucalyptus Christmas candle available from John Lewis for £42.00

Big festive love,

This Surrey Mummy x

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