Monday 2 January 2017

The 2017 Bucket List...

It's a funny old time January. Not many people like it, me for one and I always find that January leaves you living in a bit of limbo. Let us reflect....

There is such a massive build up for Christmas. You prepare from when the kids go back in October, trawling the internet and rinsing your Amazon Prime membership like there is no tomorrow, booking out every available slot in your social diary, Father Christmas, work parties, afternoon teas, play dates that when the actual day comes and they rip open their presents and eat the turkey and BOOM it's all over and as a parent you are just exhausted. Then there are those funny old days, you know the ones between Christmas and New Year where your jeans don't fit, you've drunk too much, you've not had enough sleep and resemble a new mother again with a three day haze where quite frankly you haven't got any food in the fridge, everyones in their pjs and you haven't got a bloody clue what day it is. 

New Years Eve comes. You're still shattered and cannot be arsed to go out. You venture to M&S and invest in their dine in offer - oh stop it, calm down! You'll then sit on the sofa and fall asleep and chances are will miss the fireworks but will wake up at 12.35am on the sofa irritated as by the time you've made it upstairs, brushed your teeth you're now wide awake and ready to PARTY!! 

Ah, New Years Day - new beginnings. New Years Resolutions. A time for looking forward, a time to start planning for the year ahead so here is my bucket list for 2017....

1. Get away more...

On Wednesday I start my new job at a boarding school with a term time role so my holidays will now be the same as the kids and Tom leaving us loads of time to get away for little nights away. Camping is high up on the priority list this summer, but, would also like to stay in one of those funky pod type glamping ones too! 

2. Throw a summer garden party...

Since we moved into our house a year ago we have not really entertained much and we are blessed to have an awesome garden so this summer I definitely want to throw a party nothing big but something fun!

3. Day trip to France...

We have not done this for a couple of years and it really is such fun. We get the ferry or chunnel over to Calais and usually make our way to Le Touquet or one of the towns in the north for lunch. 

4. Re-decorate our bedroom...

Our room really has been left neglected. Everywhere else has now been decorated apart from there so that is definitely next on the list! 

5. Run a 10k

Tom is running the marathon this year and I would love to get back into running so I am going to get some miles in and work my way up to a 10k which will also aid my weight loss! 

6. Have a spa day

As I have gotten older I definitely have realised the loveliness that is a spa day and I would love to do one or two of these this year with some girlfriends as it's always more fun with the girls. 

Now, obviously, now I am reading The Secret the above will become far more extravagant once I've won the millions of pounds I am envisaging but until that time, enjoy tonight as I know a lot of us are back to work in the morning.

Nathalie x

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