Wednesday 20 January 2016

National Breakfast Week - 24th January - 30th January 2016

This Sunday sees the start of National Breakfast Week!

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I spout it everyday to the kids whilst encouraging them to have a piece of toast, an apple, a couple of weetabix but stop and think, do YOU ever have time for a proper breakfast?

Are you one of the 25% of people who skip breakfast, or even one of the 10% who simply don't have breakfast?

14% of women choose to skip breakfast as they feel it will help aid their weight loss. Well I hold my hands up, I've done that and come 11am I am starving and find myself wrestling my colleagues in the office to the biscuit tin - because that REALLY helps lose weight - not!

Well, in a bid to encourage breakfast awareness I am going to attempt a different breakfast everyday! 

Shake Up Your Wake Up is an awesome website with some really great hints and tips as to how to shake up breakfast for the whole family.

What breakfast's are sure fire hits in your household?

Are you a pancake and waffle kind of family or does a mashed avocado with a poached egg float your boat?

Get involved next week and tweet me your breakfast pictures using #MissionBreakfast or tag me on Instagram @thissurreymummy


Nathalie x

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