Thursday 14 January 2016

Annabel Karmel Chilled Toddler Meals

I have one of THE fussiest eaters in Surrey on my hands. If it's not a sausage, a piece of meat, potatoes without skin or baked beans Charlie will simply refuse to eat it. So, naturally when those lovely people at Annabel Karmel asked if I would like to test run their range of chilled toddler meals I naturally jumped at the opportunity.

They have kindly sent me a selection of their meals for Charlie to try and now given that I am back it's key that I always have a stash of meals to hand either in the fridge or freezer in case a quick filling and nutritious meal is needed.

We are HUGE fans of Annabel Karmel in our house and I have EVERY cookbook of hers - let's face it she's a bit of a legend amongst mummy cooks. 

I look forward to Charlie trying out all these range of meals and we'll let you know if the fussiest eater in Surrey gives you his seal of approval!

Big love,

Nathalie x
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