Thursday 16 February 2017

Ten Time Saving Tips For Working Parents...

So, I am finally on half term having had my first half a term at my new school and new job! I am loving it but going back to work five days a week (albeit only term time) has hit me like a steam train.

For someone who I always thought was relatively organised I've learnt that actually I am pretty pants at it. By week three my house resembled a bomb site and I had run out of knickers - emergency call to Mother to help me do the washing!!

Before when I was only working part time I was cool, calm and collected and organised and now I'm a 5 day a week worker with no knickers and I'm finding myself in situations that quite frankly at nearly 33 I should not be in - I ran out of gin last week - how, how did I get myself into that situation?!?

Over the last couple of weeks I have been jotting down ways in which I can restore some order to Chateau Webb as well as restoring my sanity!

So, here are my top tips for saving time as a working mum (or dad!):

1. Lay out everyones clothes that you are responsible for the night before. In my case this is Charlie, Hector and me!

2. Charlie attends quite a few activities outside of his school timetable each of which have different uniforms and at the beginning of each week I put those outfits in large sandwich bags in his bottom drawer that I can quickly get out the night before each activity.

3. I am slowly getting into the habit of doing one wash and one tumble dry fold per day and this is avoiding the inevitable laundrette role play scene that often occurs on a Sunday in our house.

I need to avoid situations like THIS!

4. Menu plan - I have always been a big fan of these but none more so than now with less time on my hands.

I love my fridge planner from Fox and Moon - here

5. Wash and blow dry my hair the night before. My hair takes an age to dry and given I am always short for time in the morning doing it the evening before banks me those precious extra minutes!

6. Bag up brioches! In the morning I have sandwich bags of individual brioches ready to hand out to the troops to keep their tummies ticking over before breakfast club which saves me faffing over cereal at 7.05am.

7. Outsource the ironing. I have ditched the cleaner as we did not have the disposable income anymore but one thing I have done is find a seriously great lady who helps me with my ironing and once or twice a week she gets a HUGE basket of my ironing and for the cost of a bottle of wine per week turns it around really quickly which saves me three million hours given I cannot iron!!

8. Wash the bath/shower everyday! I love Viakal and Method cleaning products so each time I have a bath or shower I spend a couple of minutes wiping down the bathroom surfaces and shower screen which means I avoid that hideous deep clean that can build up over time.

9. Invest in a great coffee machine. Simply taking your homemade latte in a flask to work will save you ££ and minutes on your morning commute.

10. Spend some time  at the weekend making a cracking Spotify playlist full of tracks that put you in an upbeat mood and whack that on first thing in the morning, in the car, on the train and put yourself in a great mood ready for the day ahead!

What tips do you have to save time, money and sanity as a parent? I would love to hear!

Nathalie x

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